A year ago illustrator and artist, Matt Bannister, quit his job at the BBC’s photography publicity department to focus on his artwork. Matt specialises in depictions of London, and we particularly like his images inspired by Southwark (see left and below). On making his home city the subject of his art, Matt elaborates: “I love drawing London because it is an amazing collision of old and new. The streets are packed with 21st century Londoners yet still manage to make me think of all the strange and colourful characters who filled them in the past. The area around London Bridge and Southwark, in particular, seems to have retained an underlying Victorian grimness. Maybe it’s all the bridges and arches, but it’s very inspiring to me.”
When were you happiest?
Walking through hot silent streets as a child, ice-pop in hand, day two of the school summer holidays.
Where would you like to live?
A tall Victorian house with amazing views of London from the top floor.
Where do you hang out?
I am obsessed with cafes. Organic, greasy, trendy, traditional, cheap – I love them all.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
Don’t think too much without doing, but don’t do too much without thinking.
What is your earliest south London memory?
Being shown round HMS Belfast, with my dad and two friends, on my sixth birthday.
What makes you unhappy?
Having a to-do list with no ticks or any items crossed off.
What simple thing would improve your quality of life
Snow in winter, heat in summer.
What is your most unappealing habit?
Avoiding questions like this.
What is your favourite south London sound or smell?
The sounds and smells of Harper’s Café, Southwark Street (left) on a busy weekday morning.
Who or what do you dislike and why?
Running, pushing, shouting, bombing, ducking and swimming in the diving area.
What’s your best south London experience?
Being part of a slow motion Mexican wave whilst watching Paralympic wheelchair basketball at the 02 arena. 30 seconds of wonderful shared humour between 1000s of people..
What has your career taught you?
Most people are making it up as they go along.
The house I live in is…
…in desperate need of a refurb.
What have you been up to today?
Sanding a wall in my house. Having scrambled eggs and chorizo on toast for lunch.
Your favourite south London building or landmark?
Predictably, it’s Tate Modern. Imagine how good the Shard would have been in bricks…
Tell us a secret
There’s a wonderful brick-built Victorian subway in Crystal Palace, but it’s closed to the public.